The lord of file transfer
(upd. )

File transfer is funny.

Usually people shove things onto Google Drive/Dropbox, email themselves, text themselves, wait for their USB to finish writing, make a temporary file on, or even go through the steps of recreating the file manually, by hand! (I admit to that one. In my defense, I had no internet and it was only 40 lines of HTML.)

Pfft. It’s a rare and minor hassle, right? Who cares? So what if the email service complains about your PDF being over 200MB, or your WiFi speed throws a hissy fit for 2 minutes before loading the Drive page, or your USB has a read/write speed in the millibytes? Let’s just exchange glances awkwardly while watching the progress bar update, then be done with it.

Nah. Let’s forget this forever.

Termux is a free open-source Android app that shoves a Linux terminal on your phone. It’s useful for a load of tiny day-to-day utilities, such as ping to lie-detect your “four bars of WiFi”, yt-dlp to borrow a couple YouTube playlists in the background, and ffmpeg to turn said YouTube playlists into space-efficient audio files. It renders services such as and Spotify Premium useless and quaking in the face of Making Something Yourself.

Put this on your Android, and you’ll be a walking server.

Let’s speed in.

NOTE: This guide assumes you installed Termux 5 seconds ago, and can read error messages. And if you really did install Termux 5 seconds ago, please run pkg upgrade.

1. Sending via python3 -m http.server

First, find your internal IP (or whatever you named your phone in your settings app). This is how devices connected to your router will talk to your phone.

$ ifconfig
lo:     ... # Loopback interface, ignore.
wlan0:  ... # Wireless interface. Look for "inet".
        inet netmask broadcast

Next, cd to storage/downloads or wherever you downloaded your file, then start a HTTP server. (Make sure you have the python package.)

$ python3 -m http.server
Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/) ...
            # [::] just means "every network
            # interface on your device"

Now use a client machine to visit your device in a browser, e.g. or epicandroidname:8000, ignoring warnings complaining we’re on HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Example of "Directory listing for /"

Finally, CTRL+C will interrupt the program.

The python3 -m http.server oneliner is enough for most people and most situations. In fact, I even alias py=python3 in .bashrc, since doing this operation in Windows uses py -m http.server (typing python in PowerShell redirects you to Microsoft Store). If you want, you can stop here.

2. Sending/receiving via netcat-openbsd

Screw you! Time to read the manual instead.

         # press `/` to search within the manuals

Note: you may need to pkg install netcat-openbsd.
Note: this requires 2 Linux-like machines (e.g. WSL, Termux, Linux).

3. Receiving over HTTPS via Flask

Some devices cannot download/upload from HTTP alone; they need to know the connection is encrypted.

Flask is a lightweight Python webserver package. Since we’re going to start programming, you’ll want to make a folder to store the following code (as well as a folder for all of your coding projects).

# "~" is the HOME directory. Avoid putting code
# projects in the storage/ folder we were in, for
# filesystem permissions reasons.
$ mkdir -p ~/git/file-transfer
$ cd ~/git/file-transfer

Note that you’ll need a text editor, like nano or vim, if you’re developing from your phone.

How do I use vim?

vim is an efficient modal text-editor for headless (non-GUI) environments, but it has a skill floor (try vimtutor). For the bare minimum:

  • Hit i to enter INSERT mode

  • Hit ESC then type :wq! to run the save and quit commands.

  • Step 1. Set up a Python project

    It’s good practice that we set up a virtual Python environment, instead of installing loads of pip packages in the global environment that might conflict.

    $ python3 -m venv env     # Use the Python packages
    $ source env/bin/activate # local to your project,
                              # rather than your global
                              # Python install
    (env) $ pip install flask
    (env) $ echo 'env' >> .gitignore
    (env) $ git init          # to save our work later

    Stay in the (env) virtual environment for the rest of the project, until we’re done; then, we can run deactivate to return to global Python.

    Step 2. Look up the docs for Flask file uploads

    Anyone can read and write copy-pastable code into a tutorial. But the spirit of Termux is the spirit of Linux: we read manpages and debug errors. Let’s go.

    Search up File uploading with Python Flask.

    Look for anything that says documentation… for me, it was this PalletsProjects 2.3.x link. Let’s skim it real quick.

    Looks like we have example code from the docs itself; the docs are the tutorial. Let’s copy-paste this into a file, changing the necessary fillers and foobars into what we’ll actually use.

    # --- FIRST CODE BLOCK in site ---
    import os
    from flask import Flask, flash, request, redirect, url_for
    from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
    UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'storage' # Make sure to `mkdir` a storage directory for this
    # Comment the line below out. Who cares? Let's upload anything!
    # ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'}
    app = Flask(__name__)
    # --- SECOND CODE BLOCK in site ---
    # Comment the ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS bit out
    def allowed_file(filename):
        return '.' in filename #and \
               #filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
    @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def upload_file():
        if request.method == 'POST':
            # check if the post request has the file part
            if 'file' not in request.files:
                flash('No file part')
                return redirect(request.url)
            file = request.files['file']
            # If the user does not select a file, the browser submits an
            # empty file without a filename.
            if file.filename == '':
                flash('No selected file')
                return redirect(request.url)
            if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
                filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
      ['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
                # Comment this line out. If we look at the 4th block,
                # this will cause a redirect to the user-uploaded file
                # once they upload. That's unnecessary.
                # return redirect(url_for('download_file', name=filename))
        return '''
        <!doctype html>
        <title>Upload new File</title>
        <h1>Upload new File</h1>
        <form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
          <input type=file name=file>
          <input type=submit value=Upload>
    # --- FOURTH CODE BLOCK in site ---
    # Optimally we'd put this at the top but we're
    # copy-pasting for now.
    from flask import send_from_directory
    # We can infer that <name> is for variable substitution
    def download_file(name):
        return send_from_directory(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], name)

    Step 3. Add SSL

    When we run the app with python3, nothing happens. Let’s search up how to actually serve… while we’re at it, let’s search up how to serve with HTTPS specifically!

    Looks like we’ve got no docs here. Next bet in the chain is StackOverflow, before we start moving to tutorial websites and blog posts.

    According to the question, we forgot to add at the end of our file. Boohoo.

    According to the first answer, we need to add the following to the end of our code:

    context = ('local.crt', 'local.key') #certificate and key files, ssl_context=context)

    but, according to one of the comments under said answer, instead of pre-making these local.crt and local.key files, we can actually generate the SSL ad hoc instead, which means “on demand for a short time.”

    To generate local.crt and local.key see Method 2 of:

    andyandy Jun 20, 2017 at 16:42
    # Totally copy-pasted this.'', debug=True, port=8100, ssl_context='adhoc')

    Now let’s run it! Follow along with me.

    $ mkdir storage # If you forgot to in step 2
    $ python3
    ... blahblah, output ...
    TypeError: Using ad-hoc certificates requires the cryptography library.
    $ pip install cryptography # Fix that error
    error: can\'t find Rust compiler
          To update pip, run:
              pip install --upgrade pip
          and retry package installation.
          This package requires Rust >=1.63.0.
    $ pip install --upgrade pip
    Requirement already satisfied
    $ pkg install rust # Since it said we need a Rust compiler
    $ pip install cryptography
    error: Failed to find tool. Is `aarch64-linux-android-ar` installed?
    $ pkg search aarch64 linux android
    rust-std-aarch64-linux-android/stable [installed]
    # Huh? Do we have it already? Well, we should search
    # up our problem online now, then -- no clear way out.

    DuckDuckGo shows us a GitHub link that tells us to install binutils.

    $ pkg in binutils
    $ pip install cryptography
    ... blah blah, it worked~ ...
    $ python3
    * Running on all addresses (
    * Running on
    * Running on

    Whew… you better test it. Upload a file to https:// whatever. Do it. Check if it was received in our storage dir with ls. Do it.

    Step 4. Version control!

    Whenever you get something done, commit your source code!

    $ git add --all
    $ git commit # You'll be put into vim or nano.

    Step 5. Add download functionality

    We’re not chumps. We go the full mile. Since we already have URLs that can access uploaded content, all we need to do is add a way to conveniently list them in our HTML. If you don’t already know how to get these hyperlinks, search it up and skim the docs specifically.

    @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def upload_file():
        # For each thing in the upload dir
        # add a hyperlink to its URL accessor
        files = ''
        for name in os.listdir(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']):
            # Use string formatting to insert the name.s
            # Make sure you use 'uploads' since it is
            # the @app.route we're using.
            files += f'<li><a href="/uploads/{name}">{name}</a></li>'
        # ... code and stuff
        return '''
        <!doctype html>
        <title>Upload new File</title>
        <h1>Upload new File</h1>
        <form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
          <input type=file name=file>
          <input type=submit value=Upload>
        ''' + '<br />' + files
        # Add the links to the end. Also, a <br>
        # linebreak will make it look nicer.

    And now we have a cruddily cobbled file server. Commit and save.

    ├── env
       └── ...
    └── storage
        └── test.txt

    Yes, this duct-taped code uses bad practices.

    • We returned HTML as a string rather than using Flask’s Jinja templating engine.

    • We didn’t check if the files/directories we serve in storage/ are actually files, rather than folders. There are no size limits either.

    • We used ad hoc instead of researching HTTPS, realizing Linux boxes use the openssl command to make certificates, then running the first 3 commands from curl | less, which would be arguably easier for both end users who will now hit “Ignore cert warning” less often, and new Termux users who will be familiarized with basic SSL management and the website.

    • We didn’t add a requirements.txt via pip freeze > requirements.txt, nor did we add a that explains how to use the project.

    • But it works, it’s tiny, and it isn’t meant to be robust.